E Komo Mai
Join us every Sunday at 9am or Online at 3pm
Welcome to New Hope Kaua’i
We are not a typical church. We laugh, we learn, and we grow towards living a love-God, love-people, turn-the-world-upside-down kind of life.
Living out Good Fun, Good Food, Good Music, and most of all the Good News of Jesus Christ! Services are 45 minutes. Our band hits the stage with old and new songs. We feature goofy videos, live skits, or funny specials so you can laugh.
You’ll hear a message straight from the Bible, applicable directly to your life. Our heart is to present a message that people will understand without compromising the truth.
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Sunday Worship Service
Each Sunday we gather as family and friends in-person to encourage each other in our faith. Kapa'a High School Cafeteria 9:00 AM Service
Devotions are a powerful way to hear the voice of God speak into your life. This time helps us to strengthen our faith through Bible reading, reflection, and prayer.
Each Sunday we gather as family and friends online to encourage each other in our faith. New Hope Kaua’i YouTube Channel 3:00 PM Service
Sunday Online Service
Upcoming Events
In addition to our weekly worship services, we feature other opportunities to build your faith, have fun and serve our community.
New Hope Kaua’i Ohana
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